So here we one of an eighteen week journey of challenges, awakenings, and at times, obstacles! But in the end, its all for good. The Lord said to “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Matt 7:13-14) It is easy to see the way to destruction is through the wide and broad way of living life. Just living life with no scrutiny or check on the appetites of your heart can be relegated as living your life in the broad way. This is the place of the multitudes where the Lord commanded us not to follow the multitudes to do evil. This is the place where MANY there be which go in thereat...why? Why do MANY go this way? Why are so many found walking through the wide gate and broad way of living? There is a very simple answer and its found right in the same passage of scripture. BECAUSE ‘strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth to life and few there be that FIND it.’ Wow! Let me paraphrase this passage in my own words in what I think it says. The reason people enter in at the wide and broad way is it is far easier and requires little or no discipline. Like cattle on their way to the slaughter, they follow the multitudes down the path of least resistance to a place of destruction. Willingly they just glide along, yet not knowing their demise is just around the corner and by the time they realize their doom is at hand, it is too late. It is sad to say that most people want a life that requires no discipline. It is evident in the way our government is forming more and more programs that are not designed to motivate people out of their doldrums, but seem fully intent on creating a welfare system of free loaders. Many ‘find’ and attend a church that fits their lifestyle of easy living. By following a wide gate, broad way gospel that says Jesus paid it all, most seem content to do their weekly religious duty and leave the cross carrying stuff up to the Lord. In a similar way, most people vote for the politician who promises them the most in government handouts, thinking that freedom comes in a handout, when in reality, it is slavery draped within a cloak of freedom. A wild ravenous wolves disguised as humble little sheep. Most people have become so emerged and dependent upon the system to do what they should be doing for themselves, it seems they have forgotten how to do for themselves anymore and to tell them or point to a more narrow approach to living, only brings fear, resentment, and even anger. To ask someone to give up their precious easy path of least resistance lifestyle is like declaring war on a world super power. God forbid if they are asked to give up something and follow a more strict plan of doing something for themselves rather than depending on some nameless faceless robot filling a government position who doesn’t know about them or even really care about them. They have their right to enter the wide gate and destroy themselves! But as I have told my students, yes you do have a right to make any decision you like, BUT you do not have the right to choose the consequences. Which consequences will come soon enough, somewhere down the road, in what is called THE HARVEST. For God is not mocked and EVERY man shall be a recipient of reaping the decisions they have sown. may be saying...’what in the world does this have to do with the BTT Biggest Loser Contest?’ Well, it is quite clear and evident that you are here and entering this contest because the harvest has come to pass. Following the diet of the multitudes has finally come home to roost and now its either go headlong into the slaughter or hop the fence and make a run for your life! Living an undisciplined life of eating anything you want within the confines of a sedentary lifestyle has now become a stronghold and only YOU can change the course or direction you are heading. By joining this contest, you are making a powerful statement! In the midst of the multitudes streaming through the gate of easy living and cross-less lifestyles, you are turning into the tide and walking against the stream! YOU are finally realizing the error of your ways and taking responsibility for the past choices only you and you alone have made. Yes, it will take some time to FIND that narrow way back to life, but be not dismayed nor discouraged, because as the prodigal, in the pig pen, came to his senses, and found his way back home to the father’s house, so can YOU! Yes, there will be obstacles that will hinder your journey, but do not let them STOP you! Yes, the cross of pulling down strongholds will not be easy, but the rewards will far outweigh the momentary pain! Did not Paul say, “For I reckon the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us!”
So today, as you begin this eighteen week journey, I want you to hold fast to the zeal and determination you have and the courage it took to even take the first step. Get a vision. See yourself already where you want to be eighteen weeks from now, and begin to arm yourself with the knowledge necessary to obtain your goals. The transformation you are endeavoring to procure, if you make it, will literally blow you away! And one day you will look back and say, “All the suffering and discipline was worth it all!” because the ‘new’ you will revel in wonderment of how you had even let yourself to be compelled to follow after the multitudes in the first place!
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