Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 30 ~ I Want My Liver Back (Part 2)

In my last blog (June 6), I spent some time writing about the liver and its importance to our body's. The liver is involved in most every aspect of our body's functions. If something chemically is going on in our bodies (which is pretty much all the time), then the liver had something to do with it. Since we only have ONE liver, it should be understood and well noted, that we cannot live without a liver. I know this seems like a simple and maybe even mundane statement, but I have learned some interesting facts of vital importance lately concerning our livers. Without a doubt, many of us still have our livers, or else how could you be reading this blog right now. But what many of us don't realize is how toxic our livers may have become or are becoming. Though we have a liver, it is more than likely our liver is NOT functioning within its fullest capacity possible, and if our livers are all clogged up due to our toxic lifestyles, well then, as they say in NASA...'Houston...we have a problem!'

Because our world has become so toxic, most if not all nutritionists believe we must do annual cleanses of the body. Everything from the colon to the liver must be cleansed to keep them functioning at optimal levels. Our bodies are working constantly to keep us alive. Homeostasis is the term applied to this balancing act of functions our bodies must perform to accomplish this act. If there is an imbalance of any of the body's systems, the body still works to stay alive. For example, hypothermia is just the body's response to keeping our bodies alive. When the body begins to fall below normal temperature, the body begins to protect the vital organs so we can live. Its a innate natural response. The same happens with any other system in the body. If one of the system lacks something, then the body begins to play a game called...'rob Peter to pay Paul'. Whether we are aware of it or not, sensitive to the reactions in our body or not...our bodies will do whatever it has to do to stay alive. Here is another example. The bloodstream works with a PH factor of 7. The blood is alkaline and MUST stay alkaline at ALL times. If our bloodstream ever turns acidic, we will die. Its as simple as that. When we drink a can (or a liter) of Coke (or any other soda), which is highly acidic and causes many chemical reactions and problems in the body. The sugars, phosphates, and other toxins in the soda unleashes havoc in the blood stream. Seeing then, the blood stream MUST remain alkaline, and it is dealing with all these toxins from the soda, the blood stream begins to play the game...'robbing Peter to pay Paul'! How you say? Well, since Calcium is the most alkaline mineral on the planet and the foods we eat are usually very acidic, with very little usable calcium in it, the blood stream must then turn within itself (the body) to find the calcium it needs to remain alkaline. Where then in the body does the bloodstream get its calcium from? The most obvious place to nab some quick calcium is from the bones. Somehow, someway the body works to stay alive.

This is a natural phenomenon occurring in the body every minute of the day in our bodies. If we are not eating what our body needs to nutritionally support this balance, then the body 'robs Peter to pay Paul' to keep us alive. Needless to say, if our liver's functions are an influence in most every metabolic action taking place in our bodies, what do you think happens when it becomes so full of toxins that it cannot fulfill its duties? Yes, a slowed down, lethargic, tired out liver will definitely create havoc in our bodies, but the good news is...you can bring revival to this all important one of a kind organ! And that's where the coffee enema comes in.

For years I had read about coffee enemas and kind of felt the way you do right now as you read this...like...ewwwww...coffee enemas...that's gross. But if the truth be known, this is one the greatest ways to 'get your liver back'! When you drink your coffee via the mouth, the coffee loses any potential to good. As a matter of fact it does more harm than good. When you use it as an enema, the coffee is siphoned directly to the liver which in turn, not only stimulates it to detoxify, but also to sends out incredible chemicals for healing throughout the entire body.

Doing the coffee enema is surprisingly easy and follows a very simple procedure. I am going to copy and paste a procedure posted online, but it would behoove you to do some research on it...just google it. The protocol posted below is not the procedure I use (although similar). I have used the protocol set by Max Gerson and those who advocate the Gerson Therapy. Make sure the coffee you use is organic...oh and make sure you don't use cream and sugar!

How To Do Coffee Enema?
Well, there are many different ways of doing coffee enema. Each experts might suggest you different ways. From my experience, there are 3 things which are important:
1. Prepare your equipments.
2. Cook your coffee.
3. Use your enema equipment to enter the coffee.
Here’s a brief instruction for the coffee enema process:
Prepare an enema bag or bucket. Next you need organic coffee or non-decaffeinated coffee, purified water, steel vessel, jug and some olive oil.
Put some water to boil 2 teaspoon of coffee. Mix the coffee with cool water and use your hand to make sure the temperature is similar to your body temperature. Pour it into your enema bag.
Find a place in your toilet. Apply some olive oil on the tube, insert the tube into your anus and lie on the floor near your toilet. Release the coffee and make sure you hold the coffee in your body for a few minutes. If you can’t hold the whole bag of coffee, just go to the toilet bowl and release it. Repeat the process until the coffee in the enema bag is finished. Don’t force your body to hold the coffee for too long.

I strongly recommend you to read and research how to do a coffee enema for yourself.

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