Monday, June 21, 2010

A Man Child

And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. ~ Mark 10:13-15

Sometimes, while I am out running or biking, something will 'take me back' to a time in my youth. A certain smell, like fresh cut grass, will bring a flashback to the days of my childhood. The feeling of the summer breeze against my face will remind of the days of summer when all I did was ride my bike and life was contained within this capsule of splendor and awe. What happened? What happened to the 'awe' of life? Where did the splendor and beauty of life disappear to? It seems somewhere between the teenage years and adulthood, the luster of life has faded into this greyness of just living without having really lived. It seems like the laughter is gone. Any silliness has departed into an abyss of everything serious. Playfulness has since been deployed beyond the routine shores of living, while the 'moments of life' soldier along just staying afloat. Maybe its just me...maybe its just my life and what I am feeling, but when was the last time you really stopped and looked beyond the moment and into the beauty of God's creation? I find myself so intent on working to get the bills paid and fulfilling my obligations 'to the man', at times, I can't seem to see the forest for the trees or even the trees for the forest.

The other day, I was watching my three year old daughter play in the backyard. She ran to and fro. She was in her own little world. Everything she came into contact with was a fascination. Flowers, rabbits, trees, and the grass under her feet. At different times she would see a bird and give chase. She would look at the bird and look at me, and say, "Daddy, I am going to catch it!" Then...I caught myself...even as the words came out of my mouth..."You can try, but you never catch that bird"...I caught myself...the all knowing adult squelching the youthful zeal of childhood fantasy. In her mind, she believed she could 'catch' that bird. She would race after it and of course the bird would fly away, and yet again she would try to catch the next bird that landed nearby. Yet, in my regimented life, I found myself extinguishing her childlike fantasy. There in my words, I felt the gap...not the generational gap, but the space between losing my childlike faith and my adulthood mentality of being realistic. You know...the matter of fact, cold hard reality that life is life, and there is no place for chasing your dreams.

As I spoke those dream dashing words, I felt myself cringe. Have we lost touch with the connections? Earth to man and man to creation? Has the same technology we worked so hard to 'free' us,  now enslaved us to its demands? Entrapped within its cocoon of 'safety', has the world become an ominous foreboding place that can no longer contain a place for childhood dreams? Walt Streightiff said, "There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." As a child, I can remember the days being long. From morning to dusk, I would splash through the manifold manifestations of an awesome God. Walking in a mid-summer's downpour was not a bad thing, but an incredible sensation of being alive. Everything was an exciting adventure. From laying and playing on the dirty ground with the ants, to those late summer nights, feeling the dew form on the grass, while staring up in wonderment and awe at the billions of stars in the midnight sky. Life was real. Its beauty was unsearchable and the quest to have it revealed to my childhood investigations was unquenchable.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ~ Abraham Lincoln ~  I am not talking about throwing away all responsibility and acting as a child. I am not advocating becoming a dreamer without action. I understand the dangers of folly and foolishness. The Apostle Paul spoke of 'putting away childish things' when he had become a man, so I understand the idea of maturing and growing up. But life it seems, or should I say, living has been lost in this intense pursuit of things and the hectic pace of the 'rat race' has us looking for cheese in all the wrong places. It seems we end up living to work rather than working to live! Zig Ziglar said, "If standard of living is your major objective, quality of life almost never improves, but if quality of life is your number one objective, your standard of living almost always improves." In our pursuit of living we have seemingly forgotten how to live. Consumed with gaining, getting, and gathering...the luster of living has waxed dull. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "It is not length of life, but depth of life." Could it be possible the 'depth' of life is in the way a child views the world? Has our one dimensional pursuit of life suppressed the childlike three dimensional brilliance of the world around us. Think about it. When was the last time you stopped to 'smell the roses'? When was the last time you laid on the dew soaked grass and looked up in wonder at the billions of stars in the sky? When was the last time you rolled down a grassy hill? When was the last time you walked in the down pour of a warm summer's rain? When was the last time you jumped in a mud puddle? After reading these questions, you may think them to be childish and immature, but I wonder. Not because we question the 'maturity' of doing such things, but at the loss of having that childlike spontaneity.

In the Book of Revelations the Lord talks of a man child. There is a place for the child to still reside within the man. A place where faith in the impossible overrides the reality of the logical man. I believe, still trapped within us all, is that little child who still feels he can 'catch that bird', no matter how many times you may fail in your attempts. This is the place where all things are possible because creation clearly reveals the invisible hand of the One who holds the strings to the substance of life and the only thing that can seemingly cancel our ability to 'see' impossible possibilities is our logically inclined minds.

I wonder...I just wonder...if part of losing weight and playing 'the game' has been lost in all our logic and reasoning. What if we opened up the closet door and let the 'child' within begin to run again? What would happen if we allowed that childlike fascination to trample through the corridors of our minds again? What would your world turn into? Would you go lay on the grass and feel its prickling texture? Would you go for a ride on your bike? Would you sit next to a delicate flower and behold its beauty? Would you play hop scotch, draw on the sidewalk, have a water fight, or just stare up at the clouds and point out imaginary shapes and images? Personally, I don't think its a question of whether or not the world would become a different place, but the real question is...can you even let the child out of the closet?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Multi-Tasked and Over Stimulated

Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied. ~ Proverbs 27:20

Have we lost our ability to remain focused? I don't remember a time in my life where the minds of so many people are so scattered. It seems to be very difficult for people to remain intent on one thing. To get people to bear down and focus on a dilemma or a project is a difficult task these days. Within and without, people seem to have no sense of direction. Better yet...they have no sense of purpose, and yet I find that these two thoughts...focus and purpose are connected. How can one maintain a pursuit upon a 'purpose' when their mind cannot remain focused? How can you ever find a purpose in life if you cannot discipline the mind? When one slows down for a moment (if you can), its not difficult to see how upside our society has become. Earl Nightingale said, "You become what you think about." and if this is true, well then, what are we?

We have become a society of multi-tasked and over stimulated people. We cannot seem to live unless our lives are inundated with some type of stimulation. Look around, what do you see? The next generation, and even our own are caught up in this technological vacuum. Cell phone in one ear, iPod in the other, eyes fixed on the computer screen, or the Ipad, doing homework with one hand while text-messaging someone with the other, and don't forget the television is blaring in the background.

In the documentary, Digital Nation, they researched this 'new' phenomenon that has overtaken our nation, and in fact, the entire world. I found it interesting how they studied students who were considered multi-taskers. Within themselves, these multi-taskers felt like they were very focused and well able to maintain the myriad of objectives in their lives. Yet, after being put through some test, it was quite clear these students actually lost their ability to remain focus, even though they 'thought' they were very focused and able.

You see...multi-tasking overloads and burdens our system. Everything in the media, every television program, every movie, every music CD, every computer program, every phone app, every video game is designed to give us higher and higher levels of stimulating responses. None of these exciting things are necessarily bad. What is bad is that they are unrelenting. It is a constant bombardment of the mind. A continual 'harassing' of the brain. There is no downtime.

It is a no win situation, a catch 22 if you will. The eyes of men are NEVER satisfied. The more we overload the pleasure center, the higher the barrier goes. So we seek greater and more pleasurable activities to get over that barrier to the pleasure center. We become hedonistic in our pursuit of pleasure. Our happiness is defined by the level of excitement in our lives. Then pleasure itself becomes unpleasurable. Overstimulated minds reach a place called anhedonia, which is an inability to experience pleasure.  The truth is excitement is not happiness and true happiness cannot be found in excitement. In fact, excitement is the ultimate drug. It is excitement that people are seeking after when engaging in any destructive or addictive behavior.

I have always felt we were entering another dark age. Where once again, the human mind is unable to perceive the world around them, but not because the information is not available, but because there is too much information available. During the 'dark ages' people were unable to think for themselves because knowledge was locked up. The Bible was not accessible to the common man. The invention of the printing press changed, for the better, the mind of the world. From that point on events have snowballed right back to where they once were...darkened from the truth about living and life. The irony of it all is we have access to a plethora of information, yet we are living within the dregs of a dumbing down of the human mind.

Paul warned of perilous times in the last days. Men would be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Jesus the last days the love of many shall wax cold. Love requires focus. If what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13 is true, and I believe it is, then love believes all things, hopes all things, bears all things, and endures all things, and you can't love like this without focus. You can't have a focus like this without a love for the Word of God and without a love for the Word of God, you will never find your calling or true purpose. No wonder there is such an intent in this world to keep us unfocused and continually caught up in its pleasures.

As we enter the sixth week of this 'game', I hope you can 'see' there is more than a game being played here. As a marathon runner and having to learn how to remain focused and keep to a training plan for eighteen weeks, I knew there would be a handful of people who could not keep focused to the end. (I tried to warn everyone!) I knew eighteen weeks of trying to remain steadfast toward a goal would prove difficult for some and overwhelming for a few. Many are having trouble remaining focused. I see many caught within this crucible of pleasure and focus. In this instant gratification pleasure oriented society, we want it all. Not only do we want it all NOW, but we want it all, served our way and in our time. But this is not a true picture of life. If the truth be known, we have lost some precious things in this overstimulated culture. The things of meaning have become mundane. Books are boring. To read their words takes focus and concentration of mind. The outside world has become a threatening place. No longer can the soft breeze of a summer wind stimulate a person enough to be a pleasurable event. To get someone to take a walk in the rain is next to impossible these days. Hobbies of the hands and mind have given way to video games that rob the brain of imagination. Individual creativity is falling to the wayside as we lose touch with the world around us.

Its bigger than just a game!!! This is your life. This is my life. Within our grasps could very well be our eternal life! I hope and pray, in the weeks ahead, as you and I are tossed to and fro in this epic battle to find our purpose. We can 'see' the power we give up when we remain connected to this need for stimulation and so disconnected from reality. When you feel the crux of all this over stimulation fall upon your mind, THAT is the time to step outside its power. Go for a walk. Ride your bike. Sit in the sun and read a good book. Let your God given mind be stimulated by His Word once again! Though it would be nice to win the game, the truth the long run, if you break these my friend have already won!

Monday, June 14, 2010


This is how the American Economic Foundation puts it and Henry Grady Weaver explains it in his book, 'The Mainspring of Human Progress'. No...this is NOT some secret algebraic formula concerning the theory of relativity, but is the formula for natural and spiritual success! Oh, you want to know what those letters stand for? Here's the formula for success..."man's material progress depends on natural resources plus human energy multiplied by tools"

It should be fairly clear by now, after five weeks of 'playing the game', it is tougher to break those bad habits that have brought us into captivity over all these years. No matter what the situation of life, our progress in any of those situations depends upon the resources we have available and then how we apply ourselves to the use of those resources. Think about it. Each part of this formula is contingent upon the other in order for progress to be made. We can have all the resources known to mankind, but if we don't put any energy into the proper use of those resources, just sit around and do nothing with them, well then, no progress will occur. Then on the other hand, we may have all the energy in the world, but if we don't have the necessary resources, then our available energy is squandered. We may have all the brains and know how to build a ship, but if we have no trees, wood, or iron ore...any of the resources necessary to build that ship, then our energy is useless. Now we could have all the necessary resources AND the energy needed to use those resources, but if we don't have the tools to mine and craft those resources, then once again, we will struggle to move forward for the betterment of ourselves. Each component of the formula is dependent upon the other for true progress be achieved.

But lets talk about the spiritual side for a moment. Why, you say? Because, if we would truly be transparent for a moment...the reason why we cannot or have not achieved thus far in this game, is because of some spiritual stronghold in our lives. Somewhere in our past...some emotion...some anger...some resentment...some pain...has allowed us to become captive to the will of the flesh. Instead of tapping into the resources of an Almighty God, we have become prisoners of our own imaginations. Lets face it...without God, we can do nothing!

So then, if this formula holds true for natural success then it must also be relevant for spiritual success. Lets try to write this formula within the context of seeking good success spiritually..."MSP = SP + HE x T" or "man's spiritual progress depends upon spiritual resources plus human energy multiplied by tools". There is a God who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, and All Powerful God who divested Himself of His glory, came down to earth and put Himself in a body. He robed Himself in fleshly body that walked this earth as Jesus Christ, showing mankind how to over the wiles of the devil. Hebrews 2:14 says, "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;" This is why Jesus is our spiritual resource. He was God in a body! He wasn't God's little boy sent here to do God's dirty work, but He was God himself in a body, the Lamb of God, showing us how to put off the old carnal nature of Adam and live victoriously in this life. Jesus felt what we feel and was tempted as we are tempted, yet He would not allow the infirmities of the flesh to rise above His calling to redeem mankind from the wickedness of our own evil doings. "Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." (Hebrews 4:14-15) We call ourselves Christians because we are vying to become like Christ! He is our role model. Jesus Christ is our spiritual resource! He is the way, the life, and the truth and there is no way to understand anything spiritual without understanding who Jesus was and why He came!

Not only do we have the spiritual resource, but Jesus Christ IS the spiritual resource and without Him we can do nothing. Now in order to fulfill any spiritual progress, we must have the human energy and the tools necessary to tap into this resource. The scripture says in Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." We must have the heart and desire to seek Him! In the Sermon on the Mount, one of the beatitudes was... Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Jesus cried out in John 7..."In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." In order to mine the resources of the Almighty God, there must be a hunger and a thirst for Him. If you are thirsty, there is no need to walk and draw water out from the well, let alone use any of the tools necessary to help draw the water up out of the well.

There are many who believe on God, but they don't have the tools needed to mine the vast resources of God. This is not God's fault, nor has He left us without the necessary tools. We has left us the richness of His Word. How many times have you sat troubled by life's situations, and yet His Word remains collecting dust on the coffee table? How many times could we have mined a nugget of wisdom if we had just been willing to use the tool of God's Word? Yet, there is MORE than just His Word. God gave us the church, and with the church God gave us preaching, (1 Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.)and with preaching, God gave us a God called man to help us understand the vastness of His resources! "For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:11-17 There is no doubt about it, if we are going to tap into the richness of God's glory, we must have a preacher, who is sent of God (not a seminary), to preach to our souls! God gave us a five fold ministry! "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:" (Ephesians 4:11-12) And lets not forget the Holy Ghost..."These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:25-27) Really...if we are honest, God has not left us without, but He has supplied us with all the tools we need to tap into His resources. God would have it that ALL men would be saved and tap into the abundant life that is available through His goodness and mercy!

I could go on and on concerning the manifold greatness of God and His resources! God has been merciful to us and rather than neglect His tools, we ought to take advantage of His desire to save us from ourselves.
We are now five weeks into this game and the way to good success is to follow this formula. Our biggest problem is and can be attributed to the laziness of the flesh. Like Cain, we want to present a sacrifice that is acceptable only within the constraints of our lifestyle. God forbid we have to step outside of our comfort zone and job description! I believe we have the resources needed for success. We have the tools. I can encourage you. I can write these blogs. I can write newsletters. I can give you recipes. I can direct you to new and greater revelations of eating right and maintaining health, but only YOU can apply this formula to your life. Only YOU can pick up the tools and put the energy needed to make progress in your health...naturally and spiritually. The old cliche still stands true..."You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 30 ~ I Want My Liver Back (Part 2)

In my last blog (June 6), I spent some time writing about the liver and its importance to our body's. The liver is involved in most every aspect of our body's functions. If something chemically is going on in our bodies (which is pretty much all the time), then the liver had something to do with it. Since we only have ONE liver, it should be understood and well noted, that we cannot live without a liver. I know this seems like a simple and maybe even mundane statement, but I have learned some interesting facts of vital importance lately concerning our livers. Without a doubt, many of us still have our livers, or else how could you be reading this blog right now. But what many of us don't realize is how toxic our livers may have become or are becoming. Though we have a liver, it is more than likely our liver is NOT functioning within its fullest capacity possible, and if our livers are all clogged up due to our toxic lifestyles, well then, as they say in NASA...'Houston...we have a problem!'

Because our world has become so toxic, most if not all nutritionists believe we must do annual cleanses of the body. Everything from the colon to the liver must be cleansed to keep them functioning at optimal levels. Our bodies are working constantly to keep us alive. Homeostasis is the term applied to this balancing act of functions our bodies must perform to accomplish this act. If there is an imbalance of any of the body's systems, the body still works to stay alive. For example, hypothermia is just the body's response to keeping our bodies alive. When the body begins to fall below normal temperature, the body begins to protect the vital organs so we can live. Its a innate natural response. The same happens with any other system in the body. If one of the system lacks something, then the body begins to play a game called...'rob Peter to pay Paul'. Whether we are aware of it or not, sensitive to the reactions in our body or not...our bodies will do whatever it has to do to stay alive. Here is another example. The bloodstream works with a PH factor of 7. The blood is alkaline and MUST stay alkaline at ALL times. If our bloodstream ever turns acidic, we will die. Its as simple as that. When we drink a can (or a liter) of Coke (or any other soda), which is highly acidic and causes many chemical reactions and problems in the body. The sugars, phosphates, and other toxins in the soda unleashes havoc in the blood stream. Seeing then, the blood stream MUST remain alkaline, and it is dealing with all these toxins from the soda, the blood stream begins to play the game...'robbing Peter to pay Paul'! How you say? Well, since Calcium is the most alkaline mineral on the planet and the foods we eat are usually very acidic, with very little usable calcium in it, the blood stream must then turn within itself (the body) to find the calcium it needs to remain alkaline. Where then in the body does the bloodstream get its calcium from? The most obvious place to nab some quick calcium is from the bones. Somehow, someway the body works to stay alive.

This is a natural phenomenon occurring in the body every minute of the day in our bodies. If we are not eating what our body needs to nutritionally support this balance, then the body 'robs Peter to pay Paul' to keep us alive. Needless to say, if our liver's functions are an influence in most every metabolic action taking place in our bodies, what do you think happens when it becomes so full of toxins that it cannot fulfill its duties? Yes, a slowed down, lethargic, tired out liver will definitely create havoc in our bodies, but the good news can bring revival to this all important one of a kind organ! And that's where the coffee enema comes in.

For years I had read about coffee enemas and kind of felt the way you do right now as you read enemas...that's gross. But if the truth be known, this is one the greatest ways to 'get your liver back'! When you drink your coffee via the mouth, the coffee loses any potential to good. As a matter of fact it does more harm than good. When you use it as an enema, the coffee is siphoned directly to the liver which in turn, not only stimulates it to detoxify, but also to sends out incredible chemicals for healing throughout the entire body.

Doing the coffee enema is surprisingly easy and follows a very simple procedure. I am going to copy and paste a procedure posted online, but it would behoove you to do some research on it...just google it. The protocol posted below is not the procedure I use (although similar). I have used the protocol set by Max Gerson and those who advocate the Gerson Therapy. Make sure the coffee you use is organic...oh and make sure you don't use cream and sugar!

How To Do Coffee Enema?
Well, there are many different ways of doing coffee enema. Each experts might suggest you different ways. From my experience, there are 3 things which are important:
1. Prepare your equipments.
2. Cook your coffee.
3. Use your enema equipment to enter the coffee.
Here’s a brief instruction for the coffee enema process:
Prepare an enema bag or bucket. Next you need organic coffee or non-decaffeinated coffee, purified water, steel vessel, jug and some olive oil.
Put some water to boil 2 teaspoon of coffee. Mix the coffee with cool water and use your hand to make sure the temperature is similar to your body temperature. Pour it into your enema bag.
Find a place in your toilet. Apply some olive oil on the tube, insert the tube into your anus and lie on the floor near your toilet. Release the coffee and make sure you hold the coffee in your body for a few minutes. If you can’t hold the whole bag of coffee, just go to the toilet bowl and release it. Repeat the process until the coffee in the enema bag is finished. Don’t force your body to hold the coffee for too long.

I strongly recommend you to read and research how to do a coffee enema for yourself.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 28 ~ I Want My Liver Back! (Part 1)

When I was a boy (a very short time ago), we would go camping and sit around the camp fire and tell 'scary' stories. While we were enveloped within the darkness of midnight we would try to drum up the scariest stories known to mankind. The sparks of the flagging flames of the fire would lap into the air while the eerie unnatural sounds of the woods surrounded us as we gathered together to listen to these stories of horror and death. For me, one of the scariest stories was the tale about the man who had lost his 'liver' and now was roaming the woods in search of 'getting his liver back'! Though I don't remember the exact way he lost his liver, nor did I understand that he could never live without a a young boy, this story had me shivering in the coolness of the night, desperately trying to peer past the brightness of the flaming campfire as I searched the perimeter of our campsite for the phantom man of horrors as he walked around screaming, "I want my liver back!"

The last few days I have endeavored in my own journey to 'get my liver back'. No, it wasn't cut out in some horrific operation nor have I lost my liver's ability to function. But unbeknown to many of us, and to the detriment of our very own health, we may have a liver, yet it is probably not functioning at its full capacity. Since we only have one liver and this organ has over a hundred different functions within the human body, one would think its role would be of an utmost importance for all of us to understand. How many of us really understand the necessity of our livers? Do you know the role it plays within the metabolism and systems of our bodies?

It seems many of us have 'lost our livers' and we don't even know it! Whether we believe it or not...see it or not...understand it or not, we are living in a world of toxins. Yes, sorry to say, because of the 'love of money' which is the root of ALL evil, our world is becoming more and more toxic with every passing day. The world has become a cesspool of toxins. Compared to life one hundred years ago, most every step of our life is inundated with some type of known or unknown toxic chemical. The air we breath is loaded with toxins. The water we drink is loaded with toxins. The homes we live in are loaded with toxins. The cars we drive in are loaded with toxins. The foods we eat are loaded with toxins. There is no escaping the quagmire of toxins our bodies come into contact on a daily basis. The days of the log cabin in the woods and stepping out to take a breath of fresh clean air, are but a distant historical memory.

So what does this have to do with my liver? Well...pretty much quite everything! The liver is the master organ for creating optimal nutrition for all the 50 trillion cells in your body. The liver is the body's largest organ, weighing three to five pounds in adults. It uses 12 - 20% of the body's total energy, and it must generate this energy to it's own cells. The liver routinely performs over 500 known functions to regulate your cell's metabolism. It is the "alchemical wizard" of the body, transforming toxins into harmless chemicals for excretion, and digestively absorbed nutrients into the proper biochemical forms your cells can use to function. Yet the liver is probably the organ most assaulted by toxic modern lifestyles, full of pollution, stress, junk foods, drugs, etc. In the US 40000 deaths a year are due to liver disease. Yet most people will never suffer from hepatitis, cirrhosis, or jaundice, the "classic" liver diseases. Toxic modern lifestyles may however promote "subclinical" liver disfunction. No matter how good your diet and digestion, if your liver does not perform its many jobs properly, your cells can still be grossly malnourished. Optimal nutrition is a function, not just of what we eat and digest, but of how well the liver bio-transforms incoming food nutrients into forms that the bloodstream can transport to all the body's cells, and that the cells can use to perform their metabolic functions.

In a nutshell, like the oil filters on our automobiles, our livers function as a major filter in our bodies and more importantly, our livers function as the filter of our blood. When we come into contact with a toxin...whether the toxin is the air, land, water, or our food, somewhere down the road, our liver is going to have to filter this toxin out of our body. Our livers must transform a toxin into something 'safe' and escort out of the body as a waste product. It should be easy to see, if we lose our livers ability to function within its optimal strength, our entire body will feel it.

Since we live in a very toxic world, all of us inevitably are dealing with this problematic issue of over worked and lethargic livers. It seems, almost by default, all of us have 'lost our livers' to world gone wild in the use of highly toxic and man made chemicals. The sad thing, is many of us may have 'lost our livers' and we don't even know it yet! In part two of "I Want My Liver Back", I will discuss how we can do just that...'GET OUR LIVERS BACK'!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 25 ~ Finally! A Good Use For Coffee!

I am excited! I finally found a good use for coffee! Yep...that's right, God made coffee especially for the human body AND when used properly (which is key), the coffee will bring dramatic healing results to the human body. Although I have just discovered this powerful use of coffee, using it in this manner has been around since 1917. It was 'rediscovered' by Max Gerson as he implemented the use of coffee to help facilitate the detoxification process in patients who were sick.

Most everyone that knows me, knows how much I disdain drinking coffee and its horrible effects on the both the body and mind. To me, coffee was one of the legal drugs of our time exploited by the corporate / government as a big money maker. Like alcohol, its addiction is very hard to break. Those in the know, who are coffee drinkers, understand the power of its hold on the mind and body. Though many of my friends have tried to break the coffee drinking habit, its not long after not having a cup, the myriad of symptomatic problems associated with trying to break away from the drink, causes them to reach again for a hot cup of java to relieve the jitters, headache, and pain. Now if that's not what I call a drug, I don't know what is!!!
But hey, here it is...for the first time in over twenty years of learning about health and nutrition, I am advocating the use of coffee! As a matter of fact, I had me four cups of coffee yesterday morning! It was my first coffee in...well...over twenty years! you are saying or might be thinking, wow...I can now drink my coffee in peace and not have to worry about hearing that little voice in the back of my mind that says, 'this is no good for you'. Finally, that David Green guy will leave me alone and my hot java can be consumed with the knowledge of its wonderful benefits! Uh...well...not exactly! I mean, you can still have your morning java, but not in the way you are use to drinking it! Okay, now you must really be wondering!!! If coffee is good for you, but you can't drink it, then how do you use coffee to retain these so called benefits? Your new use for java will probably flip you upside down, figuratively and naturally . So where digestion begins at the mouth and ends at the anus, your new use for coffee will begin at the anus and NEVER reach your mouth! That's right, I am talking about coffee enemas. The best use for your coffee is as an enema! I know, I know...the first thing that comes to your mind is...EWWWWWWW! But don't let the thought impact your desire to learn and facilitate healing in the body!

Yes it looks and seems like a weird way of taking coffee, but my research seems to indicate coffee enemas work well and many individuals have reported improvements on their health. When you drink your coffee, its benefits are lost in the digestion process and coffee becomes a hindrance to health, but when coffee is used as an enema the caffeine is able to stimulate our liver to create more biles. This stimulation of the liver allows more compacted matters, toxins and parasites in your body cleared out from our body. Within minutes (12 - 15 minutes), you’ll get to see liquid stools that smell horrible and although you won't see them, there will be parasites in the bowl below.

One of the greatest benefits of coffee enema is clearing out built-up wastes, toxins and parasites that are harmful to your body . I have been reading about many individuals who have recovered from various diseases. The coffee enema is a natural cleansing method. No chemical ingredients are involved. The only thing that enters your body is coffee and water!

Although the thought of it may make your squeamish and grossed out, don't let those emotions or thoughts hinder you from giving a coffee enema a try. You need to truly take some time to research this powerful 'new' tool to health and healing! Do some research...and tune in tomorrow because I will posting the rules on how to do a coffee enema!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 23 ~ Where's the Rage?

This journey toward leading a more balanced and healthful lifestyle can be a very frustrating adventure. The more I learn about the foods this world is feeding us with and the magnitude of its 'love of money' over the desire for us to be healthy, the more angry I get. I know we are quick to look at the 'lesser' indigenous tribes of the jungles as inferior, but there is one thing that we have have and they don' know...little things such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, ADHD, etc, etc, etc! Why? Because they eat real foods. They don't have to deal with the food corporations that create foods. They don't have to deal with nameless, faceless bureaucrats that try to Frankenstein a living food into some over processed adulterated food substance that can no longer sustain life when eaten. Lurking behind the foods we eat, unbeknown to us, are these huge food laboratories. In these labs, you have a highly paid platoon of mad scientists creating these foods. From the moment these scientists touch the food to the time it gets on the supermarket shelf, the food has been recreated for shelf life, and the tantalizing of our taste buds! Many of the things they do to our foods are top secret and they refuse to divulge their activities. Not only do they refuse to divulge their secret recipes, but the laws are crafted to help them keep everything a secret! These scientists mess with everything in the food...genetics, DNA, radiation, food additives, colorings, taste enhancers, preservatives, flavorings...etc. They are 'Frankensteining' our foods into Kervorkian products that assist in killing us...sometimes quickly and sometimes over a slow painful dis-eased path way to the grave. maybe you don't believe me...well, let me give you a quick example of one product and what our mad scientist have contrived for us to eat...

This is an except from the book "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser, which revealed facts like the following:

The breakdown of 48 chemicals used in a Burger King-style strawberry "milk shake": Amyl butyrate, amyl valerate, anethol, anisyl formate, benzyl acetate, benzyl isobutyrate, butyric acid, cinnamyl isobutyrate, cinnamyl valerate, cognac essential oil, diacetyl, dipropyl ketone, ethyl acetate, ethyl amyl ketone, ethyl butyrate, ethyl cinnamate, ethyl heptanoate, ethyl heptylate, ethyl lactate, ethyl methylphenylglycidate, ethyl nitrate, ethyl propionate, ethyl valerate, heliotropin, hydroxyphenyl-2-butanone (10 percent solution in alcohol), a-ionone, isobutyl anthranilate, isobutyl butyrate, lemon essential oil, maltol, 4-methylacetophenone, methyl anthranilate, methyl benzoate, methyl cinnamate, methyl heptine carbonate, methyl naphthyl ketone, methyl salicylate, mint essential oil, neroli essential oil, nerolin, neryl isobutyrate, orris butter, phenethyl alcohol, rose, rum ether, g-undecalactone, vanillin, and solvent."

NOTE: the above list appears on the package label simply as: "natural flavors."

Yet we scoff at these 'inferior' tribal people who walk out of their huts and walk over to a plant/tree and pick their fresh eatable living food and enjoy the power of its raw goodness. We, on the other hand, meander down the aisles of the super market and wade through the myriad of food 'choices', wondering which one to pick off the shelf. For me, I try to pick the most healthy item I can, which means you have to become a label reader, which in turn is a whole science in itself! Most of the time, I find myself picking a food that will kill me slowly. Instead of picking a food that gives a quick spike to my blood stream, I try to pick a whole grain or non-sugar (if you can find one) food that has less processing to its history.

I don't know, but does anyone see this as a sad state of affairs or is it just me? Where is the RAGE? Where is the anger? I just think its crazy that we live in a world where you almost have to be a rocket scientist to understand how to eat right. The whole food science and nutrition madness has gotten out of hand. I think its sad how we are forced to discern what is good or bad. Its sad that we have to worry about the food we buy at the grocery store on whether its going to sustain us or kill us. One would think those 'in the know' would have a conscience about the foods they are feeding us, but sadly this is not so. "They"...the system which is made up of human beings like you and me, seems to have lost its sense of direction in terms of any moral values concerning what they are feeding us.

Below is just a small list of the more widely KNOWN dangerous ingredients in body & food products, which makes me wonder how many more 'unknown' ingredients are in our food supply.

Acesulfame K
Sugar substitute found in pudding, chewing gum, non-dairy creamers, instant coffee mixes, tea mixes and gelatin desserts. May increase cancer in humans.
Also known as Dimethylketone, 2-Propanone, Beta-Ketopropane. Inhalation of moderate to high amounts, even for a short time results in entry of acetone into bloodstream where it is carried to all other organs. Nose, throat, lung and eye irritant, headaches, confusion, increased pulse rate, effects on blood, nausea, vomiting and unconsciousness, coma. Shortens the menstrual cycle in women. Effects of long-term exposure include kidney, liver and nerve damage, increased birth defects, metabolic changes and coma. Found in nail polish remover.
Found in many nail care products. Known to cause cancers in humans and experimental animals.
Acrylamide, produced naturally in some foods when cooked at high temps. Manufactured for use in polyacrylamide gels, sometimes used as a treatment for drinking water and/ or wastewater. Acrylamide causes cancer in animals and in large doses, nerve damage in humans. Smoking is a major acrylamide producer as is frying, deep frying or extended micro-waving.
Implicated in oral cancer. Found in mouthwash, astringent, toothpaste, cleansers.
Alkyl-phenol Ethoxylades
May reduce sperm count. Found in shampoo and bubble bath.
Alpha Hydroxy Acid
Destroys skin cells and leaves skin more susceptible to damage from the environment and skin cancer. Actually ends up aging skin. Found in anti-aging facial creams and lotions.
Heavy concentrations may be linked to Alzheimer’s dementia. Aluminum is in many antiperspirants and prevalent in water supplies. Processed foods contain dietary aluminum.
Sodium aluminum phosphate appears in pickles, cheese and baking soda.
Ammonium Glycolate
A photosensitizer with potential to increase risk of sunburn and skin cancer by intensifying UV exposures in deep skin layers. This sensitizer can instigate immune system response that includes itching, burning, scaling, hives, and blistering of skin. It is also a penetration enhancer which alters the skins’ structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deeper into the skin, thus increasing the amounts of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream. Found in body products.
Ammonium Persulfate
Found in hair color and bleaching kit sensitizer - can instigate immune system response that can include itching, burning, scaling, hives, and blistering of skin, lung sensitizer - can instigate immune system response that can include asthma attacks or other problems with the lungs and airways.
Immune system toxin, respiratory toxicant, skin or sense organ toxicant, classified as toxic in one or more government assessments.
Genetically Modified, synthetic sugar substitute. People report dizziness, headaches and even seizures. Scientists believe it can alter behavior due to altered brain function. Long term effects of this genetically modified organism on human health has not been studied or tested. Found as a sweetener in foods and some body products, such as shaving gel. See our Genetically Modified / GMO Foods section for more information.
Benzalkonium chloride, cetrimonium chloride and lauryl dimonium hydrolysed collagen Found in hair treatment products. Both are toxic and allergenic.
Inhalation of high levels can cause headaches, rapid heart rate, tremors, confusion, unconsciousness and death. Hodgkin’s and Lymphomas result from inhalation. Used in detergents, drugs, pesticides and adhesives.
Benzoic Acid
Inhalation affects nervous system and is moderately toxic by ingestion. Severe eye and skin irritant. Used as a food preservative and in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics
Benzoic / Benzyl / Benzene
Contains carcinogens, endocrine disruptor, may cause birth defects. Found in shower gels, shampoos, bubble bath.
Benzoyl Peroxide
In acne treatments, bar soap, facial cleansers and food additives! Highly toxic/ irritant.
Bisphenol A or BPA
Toxic plastic chemical used as a can lining in brands of some infant formulas. Also found in water bottles, this chemical is used to produce polycarbonate and epoxy plastics. For babies, check food container labels and beware of polycarbonate plastic baby bottles. Chemical reactions can occur when plastic is heated.
Banned in other countries, these two preservatives are considered carcinogenic but remain in U.S. manufactured foods that contain oil as they retard rancidity. Found in foods and body products.
May break down into formaldehyde, may form carcinogenic nitrosamines. Found in body products.
Potential breast cancer risk and endocrine disruptor raising concern for impaired fertility or development, increased risk for certain cancers, itching burning and blistering of skin. Found in body products.
Causes cancer in animals. Used in cosmetics, inhalation could cause chemical pneumonitis.
Coal Tar Dyes – (includes D&C Blue 1, Green 3, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Red 33, etc.)
Even though their carcinogenicity has recently been proven, the 1938 Act includes a specific exemption for them. Severe allergic reactions, asthma attacks, headaches, nausea, fatigue, lack of concentration, nervousness, increased risk of Hodgkin’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Found in bubble bath, hair dye, dandruff shampoo, toothpaste and foods. For more information, see the Dyes Commonly Used in Food and Body Product Section.
Cocamidopropyl Betaine
May contain harmful impurities or form toxic breakdown products, itching, burning and blistering of skin. Synthesized from coconuts, this chemical is found in body products and may be labeled natural or organic.
Formerly the active ingredient in rat poison. A carcinogenic ingredient used in the manufacturing of deodorants, shampoos, skin fresheners and perfumes.
D&C Yellow 11
Found in: Lip gloss, polish remover, nail polish, bath oil/salts/soak, body spray, mositurizer, lipstick, styling gel/lotion, bar soap, after sun products, cologne, nail treatment. Color safe for external use only, found in ingested products, Color not approved for use around eyes, in eye products
DEA: Diethanolamine
A chemical used as a wetting or thickening agent in shampoos, soaps, hairsprays and sunscreens, blocks absorption of the nutrient choline, which is essential to brain development in a fetus.
An additive that tastes like butter causes a serious lung condition called bronchiolitis obliterans, or “popcorn workers’ lung. Found in foods, especially microwave popcorn.
Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)
A chemical used to keep nail polish from chipping, has been connected to cancer in lab animals as well as long-term fertility issues in newborn boys. Banned in Europe, but still in use in the U.S. Found in nail polish.
A silicone emollient, which coats the skin not allowing toxins out. May promote tumors and accumulate in the liver and lymph nodes. Found in lotions and creams.
Damage and weaken tooth enamel allowing more staining and discoloration to take place. Found in tooth whitening products.
Disodium EDTA
Harmful if swallowed or inhaled, causes irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Found in cosmetics.
Diazolidinyl Urea
Found in facial cleansers, shampoos and conditioners. Linked to neurotoxicity and immunotoxicity
DMDM Hydantoin
Contains formaldehyde , an ingredient linked to cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity. Allergenic, can be an irritant to eyes skin and lungs. Common in manicure/pedicure products and hair treatment packages.
Found in some mascaras's suspected as a cause of cancer in humans, based on studies of human populations or laboratory animals.
Suffocates skin by not allowing moisture in or out. Found in facial creams and body lotions.
May contain lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic. Accumulates in body and contributes to bone disease. Carcinogenic. Found in toothpastes.
Suspected carcinogen and neurotoxin, it may be fatal if swallowed, absorbed through skin, inhaled or swallowed. Can cause spasms, edema, chemical pneumonitis and is extremely destructive to tissue of the mucous membrane, this chemical is found in many nail care products. Known to cause cancers in humans and experimental animals. Found in baby shampoo, bubble bath, deodorants, perfume, cologne, hair dye, mouthwash, toothpaste, hair spray, nail polish.
Fragrances (Synthetic)
Some perfumes / fragrances contain hundreds of chemicals. Some, such as methylene chloride are carcinogenic. Some cause brain damage or are neurotoxins. Avoid unless you can be sure they are not carcinogenic.
Glycolic Acid
Penetration enhancer which alters skin structure, allowing other chemicals to penetrate deeper into the skin, increasing the amounts of other chemicals that reach the bloodstream, skin or sense organs. As a sensitizer it can instigate immune system response that can include itching, burning, scaling, hives, and blistering of skin. Toxicant, neurotoxin, kidney toxicant, gastrointestinal or liver toxicant. Found in creams, lotions, cosmetics.
GMO/Genetically Modified Organism
Plants, animals or foods that have been genetically modified, genetically engineered or BT/Biotechnology modified. Genetic engineering enables scientists to create plants, animals and micro-organisms by manipulating genes in a way that does not occur naturally. Minimal testing shows that animals fed GMO feed, refuse to eat it. When force-fed the feed (corn, soy, tomatoes etc.) the animals developed stomach lesions and malformations of organs. GMO food is not labeled as such in the U.S. Almost all other countries have banned the use of GMO in food and body products due to insufficient testing. See GMO section for more information.
Hydroabietyl Alcohol
Found in styling gel/lotions. Unsafe for use in cosmetics according to the fragrance industry's International Fragrance Association.
High Fructose Corn Syrup/HFCS
High fructose consumption has been fingered as a causative factor in heart disease. It raises blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. It makes blood cells more prone to clotting, and it may also accelerate the aging process. See Sugars, Insulin Resistance and Glycemic Index section for more information.
Hydrogenated/Partially Hydrogenated Oils
Hydrogenated oils contain high levels of trans fats. A trans fat is an otherwise normal fatty acid that has been radically changed by high heat. Trans fats are poison: just like arsenic. Partially hydrogenated oils will not only kill you in the long term by producing diseases like multiple sclerosis and allergies that lead to arthritis, but in the meantime they will make you fat! See Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils section for more information
A severely toxic and very powerful chemical. Banned in the United Kingdom, but still used in the U.S. Found in skin lightening products and hair dyes, this chemical alters the skins natural structure inhibiting the production of Melanin. Without natural protection, the skin is more susceptible to skin cancer. Prolonged use of Hydroquinone will thicken collagen fibers damaging the connective tissues. The result is rough blotchy skin leaving it with a spotty caviar appearance.
Used in cosmetics. Inhalation could cause chemical pneumonitis.
Imidazolidinyl Urea
This allergenic chemical finds its way into deodorants, shampoos, hand cream and some mascaras.
Potential breast cancer risk. Itching, burning and blistering of skin. Found in body products.
Isoproponal/Isopropyl Alcohol
Moderately toxic chemical causing flushing, pulse rate decrease, blood pressure lowering, anesthesia, narcosis, headache, dizziness, mental depression, drowsiness, hallucinations, distorted perceptions, respiratory depression, nausea, vomiting and coma. Used to clean/disinfect skin, lower temperatures. Found in some body products.
Kajoic Acid
A chemical that inhibits melanin production. Used in skin lightening products, it damages the skin and makes it more susceptible to cancer.
Can cause eyelashes to fall out. Found in mascara.
While lanolin itself is skin beneficial, it may contain carcinogenic pesticides such as DDT, lindane, dieldrin and other neurotoxins. Can cause rashes. Found in body products.
Can dry and damage skin. Found in bars of soap.
Magnesium Stearate / Stearic Acid
May contain phosphatidyl choline which collapses cell membranes and selectively kills T-Cells which breaks down the immune system. An execeptant that is used to bind medicinal tablets and make them smooth it is also used in pharmaceuticals, foods, talcum powder, ammunition, and as a drying agent in paints.
MEA: Cocamide DEA, Lauramide DEA, Linoleamide DEA, Oleamide DEA
NDEA (N-nitrosodiethanolamine)
forms when DEA reacts with nitrosating agents or the actual addition of nitrite as a preservative. As there is no way to determine if NDEA has been formed, it is imperative to avoid all products containing DEA as it is a known carcinogen. Often used in cosmetics to adjust the pH, and used with many fatty acids to convert acid to salt (stearate), which then becomes the base for a cleanser.
Methylisothiazoline, or MIT
Causes neurological damage. Found in shampoo.
Methyl Methacrylate
May cause fingers and nails to inflame. Found in nail polish.
Potential breast cancer risk and endocrine disruptor raising concern for impaired fertility or development of fetus, and increased risk for certain cancers, itching, burning and blistering of skin. A close cousin of benzoic acid: poisonous and moderately toxic it is found in body products.
Mineral Oil
A derivative of petroleum, this additive clogs pores, locks in toxins, suffocates and dries skin and inhibits your skins natural oil production further increasing dehydration. Causes testicular tumors in the fetus, deposits accumulate in the lymph nodes and prevent absorption of vitamin A from the intestines. Found in blush, baby oil, lotions, foundation and creams.
Monosodium Glutamate/MSG
MSG is an excitotoxin, which causes nerve damage and allergic reactions. Found in hundreds of foods, often under other names. See our Monosodium Glutamate / MSG section for more information
Gasoline additive. Known as a “likely” human carcinogenic.
Neotame is a reformulated aspartame that will require smaller amounts than aspartame to achieve the same sweetness. Neotame, like aspartame, contains aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and a methyl esther. Animal studies reveal aspartic acid and glutamic acid load on the same receptors in the brain, cause identical brain lesions and neuroendocrine disorders, and act in an additive fashion. People who are sensitive to processed free glutamic acid (MSG) experience similar reactions to aspartame, and people who are sensitive to aspartame experience similar reactions to MSG. People who currently react to MSG and/or aspartame should expect to react similarly to Neotame. Found in soft drinks, pharmaceuticals, processed foods of all kinds.
Nitrate – Nitrite
While nitrate itself is harmless; it is readily converted to nitrite. When nitrite combines with compounds called secondary amines, it forms nitrosamines: extremely powerful cancer-causing chemicals. The chemical reaction occurs most readily at the high temperatures of frying. Nitrite has long been suspected as being a cause of stomach cancer. (See Sodium Nitrite)
Extremely powerful, cancer-causing chemicals formed at high temperatures when the preservative nitrite combines with compounds called secondary amines.
While fat-free, this additive has a fatal side effect: it attaches to valuable nutrients and flushes them out of the body. Some of these nutrients, called carotenoids, appear to protect us from such diseases as lung cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration. Olestra replaces fats in ‘fat-free’ foods.
Padimate-O (PABA)
Nitrosamines, potent carcinogens, may form in products that contain Padimate-O. There is no way of knowing if they have formed. Found in cosmetics and sunscreens.
Possible carcinogen. Found in cosmetics and food.
Toxic flame retardant, used in baby bedding to slow advance of fire. Residue found in breast milk.
It is rocket science! Perchlorate is a by- product of rocket fuel, discovered in over 90% of the U.S. lettuce and milk supply. It interferes with thyroid function can cause thyroid cancer and or hypothyroidism.
PEG Stearates
Potentially contaminated with or breaking down into chemicals linked to cancer or other significant health problems. Found in cosmetics, creams and foods.
PEG (Polyethylene, polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylene, oxynol: any ethoxylated compound, including SLES)
May contain ¼-dioxane which is a possible carcinogen, estrogen mimic and endocrine disruptor. Can only be removed from a product through vacuum stripping during processing. Avoid all ethyoxylated products as a precaution. Found in foods and body products.
PEG-12 Distearate
May contain harmful impurities or form toxic breakdown products linked to cancer or other significant health problems. Found in creams, lotions, cosmetics and foods.
PEG-80 Sorbitan Laurate
May contain harmful impurities or form toxic breakdown products linked to cancer or other significant health problems, gastrointestinal or liver toxicity hazards. Found in cosmetics, creams, lotions and foods.
May contain harmful impurities or form toxic breakdown products linked to cancer or other significant health problems. Found in foods, lotions, creams and cosmetics.
Petroleum (Petrolatum)
Suffocates skin and traps toxins in body, clogs pores. Found in lotions, skin creams, and body jelly.
PFOA or C8
Used when processing polytetrafluroroethylene (PTFE) or Teflon. This toxic chemical remains in animals and humans for indefinite periods.
Perflurooctanotane sulfonate. A fluorocarbon used in producing repellents and surfactant products, like stain resistant fabric.
Possible connection to reproductive or developmental harm to fetus, potential for reduced fertility, classified as toxic and an irritant, potential risks to wildlife and environment through excretion of body product toxins and disposal of cosmetics.
Accumulates in the body; proven damage to liver, lungs, kidneys and reproductive systems. Appears in vinyl flooring, plastic wallpaper, perfume, hair spray, deodorant, nail polish, hair gel, mousse, body and hand lotion. Look for it in children’s toys, as; DEHP, BBP and DBP.
Polyethylene Glycol /PEG
Moderately toxic, eye irritant and possible carcinogen. Many glycols produce severe acidosis, central nervous system damage and congestion. Can cause convulsions, mutations, and surface EEG changes. Found in cosmetics, body products, foods, lotions.
Possible carcinogen. Found in lipstick, mascara, baby soap, eye shadow.
Used in cosmetics. Inhalation could cause chemical pneumonitis .
May contain harmful impurities or form toxic breakdown products linked to cancer or other significant health problems. Found in body products.
Potassium Bromate
An additive that increases the volume and crumb of bread, is banned worldwide except in the U.S. and Japan. Considered carcinogenic.
p-Phenylenediamine (PPD)
Very toxic substance, used in hair dyeing, shampoo’s and hair spray. Highly carcinogenic, developmental and reproductive toxicity, it is allergenic and can cause skin irritation issues.
Propylene Glycol
Kidney damage, liver abnormalities, inhibits skin cell growth, damages cell membranes causing rashes, surface damage and dry skin.
Absorbed into blood stream and travels to all organs. Many glycols produce severe acidosis, central nervous system damage and congestion. Can cause convulsions, mutations, and surface EEG changes. It is derived from petroleum products. The Material Safety Data Sheets on propylene glycol warns against contact with eyes, skin and clothing. It also says inhalation can cause irritation of nasal passages, ingestion can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Research also shows that it alters cell membranes and causes cardiac arrest. Found in shaving gel, lotions, shampoo, conditioners, foods, deodorant.
Potential breast cancer risk and endocrine disruptor raising concern for impaired fertility or development, and increased risk for certain cancers, itching burning and blistering of skin, gastrointestinal or liver toxicity hazard. A close cousin of benzoic acid: poisonous and moderately toxic. Found in body products.
PVC/ polyvinyl chloride
When produced or burned, this common plastic releases dioxins, may cause cancer, affect immune and reproductive systems.
Quaternium-7, 15, 31, 60 etc.
Toxic, causes skin rashes and allergic reactions. Formaldehyde releasers. Substantive evidence of casual relation to leukemia, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other cancers. Found in body products.
Sodium Chloride
Table salt (processed at high heat). Eye irritation, some hair loss, and dry and itchy skin. Found in shampoo as a thickener.
Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate
Potentially contaminated with or breaking down into chemicals linked to cancer or other significant health problems. Found in facial moisturizer, facial cleanser, facial treatments, skin fading and lightening products, anti-aging products, eye makeup remover, concealer, makeup remover, around eye cream, acne treatment, shampoo, conditioner, styling lotion and gel, styling mousse and foam, hair spray, hair relaxer, tanning oil and sunscreen, after tanning products, body cleanser and wash, body exfoliants, body firming lotion, baby soap, baby lotion, baby wipes, baby bubble bath, pain and wound products, hand sanitizer.
Sodium Nitrite
Makes meat look red rather than gray, and gives meat an overly long shelf life of months. Clinically proven to cause leukemia, brain tumors and other forms of cancer.
Contains several naturally occurring compounds that are toxic to humans and animals. Soy foods block calcium and can cause vitamin D deficiencies. One health agency estimates than 100 grams of soy protein provides the estrogenic equivalent of the pill. Processing and all modern soy foods contain MSG, which cause neurological problems. Soy products inhibit thyroid function, which may lead to fatigue and mental issues. Infants on soy formula are vulnerable to developing autoimmune thyroid disease when exposed to high amounts of isoflavones over time. These Isoflavones have been found to have serious health effects, including infertility, thyroid disease or liver disease, on a number of mammals. Long term feeding with soy formulas inhibits thyroid peroxidase to such an extent that long term elevated thyroid stimulating hormone levels can also raise the risk of thyroid cancer. It is said that two glasses of soy milk a day over the course of a month contains enough of the chemical to change the timing of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Only eat soy if it has been fermented: such as soy, misu and tamari and if it is labeled as organic or non-GMO. See our Genetically Modified Foods section for more information
SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate)
Builds up in heart, lungs, brain and liver from skin contact and may cause damage to these organs. Corrodes hair follicles and may cause hair to fall out. Damages immune system. Contain endocrine disruptors and estrogen mimics. Impairs proper structural formation of young eyes. May contain carcinogenic nitrosamines. This is a detergent derived from coconut oil and may be labeled natural or even organic. Found in toothpaste, soap, shampoo, body wash, bubble bath, facial cleansers.
SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate)
Ether mixtures may contain carcinogenic nitrosamines. Avoid ethoxylated compounds as a precaution. May form 1.4 dioxane, a potential carcinogen, endocrine disruptor and estrogen mimic. Allows other chemicals to penetrate skin more deeply and enter bloodstream. May cause hair loss when applied to scalp. Found in shampoo, toothpaste, bubble bath, body wash, soap.
Stearalkonium Chloride
Toxic and causes allergic reactions. Used in hair conditioners.
Can cause reactions in asthmatics, and lead to death. Sulphites are now banned on all foods except raw potatoes, wine and dried fruit.
Carcinogenic when inhaled, may result in fallopian tube fibrosis. Found in blush, condoms, baby powder, feminine powders, foot and body powders.
At one time in most vaccines for children. Still believed to be in many vaccines. This form of organic mercury, functions as a preservative. It is highly toxic as it metabolizes into methylmercury.
TEA: Tea, Triethanolamine
TEA causes allergic reactions including eye problems, dryness of hair and skin, and could be toxic if absorbed into the body over a long period of time. These chemicals are already restricted in Europe due to known carcinogenic effects (although still in use in the U.S.)
Repeated skin applications of DEA-based detergents resulted in a major increase in the incidence of liver and kidney cancer. Found in shampoos, skin cream, bubble bath, shaving gel, conditioner, lotions.
Poison to humans. Hallucinations, bone marrow changes, may cause liver and kidney damage and birth defects, endocrine disruptor and potential carcinogen linked to brain cancer. Irritates respiratory tract. Found in nail polish and cleaning products.
Found in a lot of antimicrobial soaps and toothpaste products, it can react with chlorine in the tap water to create Chloroform. This is a toxic chemical that can give you cancer. If you breathe enough chloroform, you will die. When you wash your hands with antibacterial soap that contains Triclosan, you are getting the fumes emitted from this chemical reaction.
Vinyl chloride
Used to create PVC (polyvinyl chloride) a known carcinogen. Often found in toys. Children chewing on toys can release toxins into their bodies. * see PVC
Zinc Stearate
Carcinogen. Found in blush and powder foundation